Σχετικά με εμάς
Ιδιοκτήτης γκαλερί: Γιώργος Μπιτζίνης
Καλλιτεχνική Διευθύντρια : Εύη Παντελέων, ζωγράφος ΑΣΚΤ
Τετάρτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
KIRSTI GROTMOL Solo Exhibition, 8-28 Οctober 2013
Φωτογραφίες των έργων της KIRSTI GROTMOL................................... 50 σχέδια- ακουαρέλες και μελάνια θα εκτίθενται από 8 - 28 Οκτωβρίου 2013 στην EPsilon Art Gallery
Η ΕPsilon Art Gallery σας προσκαλεί στην Ατομική Έκθεση Ζωγραφικής
της KIRSTI GROTMOL που θα γίνει από τις 8 έως 28 Οκτωβρίου 2013 στην ΕPsilon Art Gallery στο Λουτράκι
Ώρες λειτουργίας γκαλερί:
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή απόγευμα 5:00 - 8:00
Σάββατο, πρωί 11:00-1:00
ΕPsilon Art Gallery, Παναγίας Γιάτρισσας 12, Λουτράκι
mail: epsilonartgallery@hotmail.com,
6977 878481, 27440 63895
Σύντομο βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
H KIRSTI GROTMOL ζει και εργάζεται στην Νορβηγία.
1985-1989: National College of Art Crafts, and Design, 9 εξάμηνα Όσλο Νορβηγία
1989-1990: Escola Superior de Belas-Artes de Lisboa Portugal
1991: Ακαδημία Τηλεόρασης και Κινηματογράφου, ένα χρόνο, Όσλο Νορβηγία
1993-1994: National College of Art Crafts, and Design, Γραφικές τέχνες, 3 εξάμηνα, Όσλο Νορβηγία
1987: Νορβηγικό College για τους δασκάλους της τέχνης, Όσλο Νορβηγία, Θέμα: Μάσκες
1988: Δημιουργία για δερμάτινες μάσκες στην Commedia dell'arte traditionWorkshop Donato Sartori, Padova Italy,
1992: Η δημιουργία του No-μάσκες, το Kongo Δεν Θέατρο, το καλοκαίρι-92Kyoto Ιαπωνία
1997: Kyoto Seika University, Τμήμα Τέχνης, Γραφικές Τέχνες, το φθινόπωρο του 97, Κιότο της Ιαπωνίας
2007-2010: Όσλο Photo Art School, Νορβηγία
KIRSTI GROTMOL Ατομική Έκθεση Ζωγραφικής
8 – 28 Οκτωβρίου 2013
EPsilon Art Gallery, Παναγίας Γιάτρισσας 12, Λουτράκι,
6977878481, epsilonartgallery@hotmail.com & www.epsilonartgallery.blogspot.com
Education as an artist
1985-89: National College of Art, Crafts and Design , 9 semesters Oslo Norway
1989-90: Escola Superior de Belas-Artes de Lisboa Portugal
1991: Academy of TV and Film, One year, Oslo Norway
1993-94: National College of Art, Crafts and Design, Graphic arts, 3 semesters, Oslo Norway
1987: Cand. phil. -Norwegian College for Teachers of Art, Oslo Norway
Subject: Masks - own artistic work with masks as object of art, a theoretical analysis on the
phenomenon of masks, and an analysis of the creative process
Cand.Phil. = earlier Norwegian University Degree of Theory&Artistic practice, corresponding to an English Ph.D today
The degree is based upon 7 (5+2) years of studies at University level
1988: The making of leather masks in the Commedia dell´arte traditionWorkshop Donato Sartori, Padova Italy,
1992: The making of No-masks, The Kongo No Theatre, summer -92Kyoto Japan
1997: Kyoto Seika University, Art department, Graphic Arts, autumn 97, Kyoto Japan
2007-2010: Oslo Photo Art School, Norway
I also have education from the University of Oslo and The academy of Journalism Oslo Norway
2013 -14 Solo Exhibitions
Galerie du Colombier, Paris France
Gallery Hønse-Lovisas Hus, Oslo Norway
The Town Hall Gallery, Oslo Norway
Lessedra Gallery, Sofia Bulgaria (2014)
2013 -14 Planned Biennial &Group Exhibitions
International Biennial Paper Art ,Sofia Bulgaria
Annual Paper Art Fest, Sofia Bulgaria
Contemporary Mini Print of Kazanlak, Bulgaria
International Hand Made Paper Art Exhibition, Lthuanian Artiss´Association Gallery Arka, Vilnius Lithuania
Global Print, Alijo Portugal
Biennial Duoru, Alijo Portugal (2014)
Herbstsalong, Bad Homburg Frankfurt Germany
The Town Hall Gallery, The Norwegian Association of Artists, Collective exhibition, Oslo Norway
Edvard Munchs Studio, Jubilee exhibition, Oslo Norway
2012 - Solo Exhibition
Gallery Odonata Fornebu Oslo, in November
2011 - Solo Exhibitions
The National Gallery, Sofia Bulgaria
In cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy
Supported by the Norwegian Artists Foundation
Gallery BOA, the Project Room, Photographic project, Oslo Norway
Supported by the Norwegian Artists Foundation & The Norwegian Cultural Council
2011 - Group Exhibitions
*The Second Alexandria International Biennale for Miniature Graphics, The Art Centre of Alexandrina Library,
Alexandria Egypt
*The Second Alexandria International Biennale for Miniature Graphics, The Art Centre of the Alexandrina Library,
Alexandria Egypt
* International Woodblock Print, Kyoto Japan
*Jenö Art Gallery, regional Museum, Sfintu Gheorghe, Romania
*Ekaterinburg Art Fesival, International Travelling Exhibition, start Moscow Russia
*Lessedra International Small Painting Exhibition, Sofia Bulgaria
*Gallery Hagman, Group show, Stockholm Sweden
*Espace Culturel Bertin Poirée, 14 artists from 14 countries, The Association Kulturelle Franco-Japonaise de Tenri,
Paris Frankrike
*Invited for a residency at Camac Centre of the Arts, Marnay-sur-Seine France
*Cité International des Arts, residency 3 + 2 months, Paris France
*Open Studio Exhibition, Cité International des Arts, Paris
*P&P , Atits, meeting, Cité International des Arts, Paris
*The Town Hall Gallery, The Norwegian Association of Artists, Collective exhibition, Oslo Norway
*Nord-Trøndelags Fylkesgalleri, Regional Museum Norway
2010 - Exhibitions/activities
Mahmoud Moktar Museum, The First Alexandria International Biennale Miniature Graphics, Cairo Egypt
The Day of Photography, Juryed Photo Exhibition, Preuss Museum of Photography, Norway
Gallery Lessedra, Sofia Bulgaria
Gallery Geitodden, Kristiansand
Cité International des Arts, Residency , Paris France
"Crossing Tracks" International Artists Symposium, Sweden
"Crossing Track" The Nordic Gallery, Årjäng Sweden
Edvard Munch´s Studio, Ekely Oslo, Irish artist Elizabeth Cope with 3 Norwegians
Screening of the film "The Girl from Nordland. Modell for Edvard Munch", Kilkenny Arts Festival Ireland
Collective exhibition, Kilkeny Ars Festival, Ireland
Palm Art International Painting Competition, Leipzig Germany
Post-Education/scholarship Swedish Artists union
2009 - Solo exhibition
The Cultural House of Bærum, Norway Solo exhibition
2009 - Collective exhibitions
The First Alexandria International Biennale for Miniature Graphics, The Alexandrina Library, Alexandria Egypt
Museum of Contemporary Art Haikou, Haikou Kina
Gallery Kongsberg Art Association, Komgsberg Norway
Oslo City Town hall, Jubilee exhibition The Artits´s Association, Oslo Norway
Art in Nature, workshop, Art Project in Nature at Kjerringøy Bodø Norway
Gallery Blach Box, Art in Nature, exhibition/ photos, Bodø Norway
Workshop Japanese Wood Block Printing, Kristiansand Norway
Gallery BOA, Oslo Norway
2008 - Solo exhibitions
The Danish Institute of Athens, Greece, Solo exhibition, collaboration with The Norwegian Embassy at Athens
Gallery BOA, Organisation of Artists in Oslo and Akershus, Oslo
Gallery Blaker, Stabburet, Artists´s owned gallery, Bærum,
Museum of Contemporay Art Haikou, Haikou Kina, collective photo exhibition – my photo on the poster
Mocah Museum of Modern Art, Haikou China, collective exhibition
Liberia Borges Institute of Contemporary Art, Guangzhouco China, collective exhibition
International Small Print Exhibition, Collective exhibition, Næstved, Danmark
Lessedra Gallery & Art Projects, 7th Lessedra World Art Print Annual, Sofia Bulgaria
Art Domain Gallery, Collective exhibition Leipzig Germany
Certificate of Excellence, Leipzig Germany
Included in the Book: "Who´s Who in Visual Art, Vol 2008-2009, Art Domain Verlag, Leipzig
Workshop with Photographer Morten Krogvold, Sicily Italy
Project Japanese Wood Block Printing,
Support: The Foundation of Union of Graphic Artists, Gallery Eikaas, Museum of Sogn and Fjordane, Norway
Travel Grant, Norwegian State Scholarships for Artists
1987 – 2007
15 Solo exhibition
53 Collective exhibitions Norway
43 Collective exhibitions abroad
1992: Vesterbotten County, Sweden
1994: Skaraborg County, Sweden
1999: Panavezys Civic Art Gallery, Panavezys Lithuenia
2000: A sculpture in the Norwegian Sculpture Park. Permanent Outdoor Exhibition
Project with Latvian Sculptor Indulis Ranka,, Riga Latvia
2000: MacQuarie University Sculpture Park, Sydney Australia
2009: The Art Centre, The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria Egypt
2011: The Art Centre, The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria Egypt
2011: The Jenö Museum Art Gallery , Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania
Honorary Post:
Member of the board of The Association of Norwegian Sculptors (NBF) 1995-97
Member of the board, Gallery of The House of Artists, Oslo 1997-98
Member of the board Kopinor 1997- 98
Member of the nomination committee Kopinor 1999-2000
Member of the board, Gallery of The House of Artists, Oslo 2002-06
President of The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists 1997-98
President of The Association of Norwegian Sculptors (NBF) 1997-99
Dessisor, The guild of Norwegian Directors (NFR) 2013
Scholarships/ awards/ distinctions as an artist:
1987: Norsk Kulturråd/ Norwegian Cultural Council, scholarship debut exhibition
1988: Certificate of Excellence, leading International Art Competition, Art Horizons, New York
1989: Scholarship as an artist, Norwegian State Scholarships for Artists
1989- 90: Portuguese State scholarship to study fine art in Portugal, 9 months
1992: Chunichi-Inadomi Foundation/ University of Oslo, Study of masks and art in Japan, One month
1993: Honourable mention Contest ESSO/ The Norwegioan College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Oslo
1994: Scholarship, Norsk Kulturråd/ Norwegian Culture Department& Artists Union,
1995: Artists`s Association, Travel Grant
1996: Scholarship, Norsk Kulturråd/ Norwegian Culture Department& Artists Union
1996: The Scandinavian Sasakawa Foundation, Travel Grant to Japan
1997: The Foundation Hans Hartung & Anna-Eva Bergman, Antibes France, project grant
1997: Norwegian Departement for Foreign Affairs, support for exhibitions/ workshops
1998: DAAD, German state travel grant
2000: Norwegian Departement for Foreign Affairs, support for exhibitions/ workshops
2000: Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney Australia, exhibition grant
2000: Astrup - Fearnley Foundation Oslo , travel grant to Sydney Australia
2005: Scholarship from The Alexander S. Onassis Puble Benefit Foundation, 6 months stay in Athens
2006: Scholarship/travel to Bologna, International Book Fair, Norwegian Illustrators Foundation
2006: Travel Grant, Norwegian State Scholarships for Artists
2006: Travel Grant to The Film Festival Haugesund Norway
2007: Travel Grant to The Film Festival Haugesund Norway
2008: Travel Grant, Norwegian State Scholarships for Artists
Journalist/ art:
Journalist / critic in “Numer” , 1988 -2011
Periodical for the Union of Black and White Artists in Norway
I also want to mention:
2001: International Small Works Exhibition, Gallery Agijas Suna, Riga Latvia
2000: The International Sculpture Quadrennial, Riga Latvia
2000: ”Bridge 2000” International Exhibition, Riga Latvia
2000: A sculpture in the Norwegian Sculpture Park. Permanent Outdoor Exhibition
Project with Latvian Sculptor Indulis Ranka,, Riga Latvia
1999: Panavezys Civic Art Gallery, International Ceramic Exhibition, Panavezys Lithuenia
1997: Artists´Union Gallery, Scandinavian and Baltic Artists, Riga Latvia
* Curator/ organizer exhibition of Latvian art
European Cultural Capital Bergen/ Sima 2000
Oslo City Hall 2001
Eidfjord 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Design and responsible for catalogue 2000
Design poster 2000, 2001, 2002
Artists Union Memberships:
The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK)
The Artist Union of Oslo (OBK)
The Association of Norwegian Sculptors (NBF)
The Drawing Art Association of Norway (TF)
The Union of Swedish Artists (SK)
The Norwegian Association of Critics of Litterature
The Norwegian Association of Critics of Theatre
International Organisation of Theatre Critics (IATC)
Work and live in the Artits´colony Ekely in Oslo
Directors´ Guild of Norway (NFR)
Documentary. 30 minutes, 1994
Idea, manuscript and directing: Kirsti Grotmol
Made by the support of State funds.
1994 The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad
1994 Kragerø
1994 Filmkontakt Nord/ Nordic Film Contact, Marseille France
1994 4th International Art Film Biennale, Museum of Modern Art/ Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris France
1995 13th International Art Film Festival, Montreal Canada
1995 NRK, Norwegian State Broadcasting Company 1994, screened 25.12.94 and 1.5.95
1996 SVT 2, Swedish State Broadcasting Company 1995, screened 30.12.95 and 16.1.96
2006 Art Film festival, Wågermanska Art Hall, Tjörn Sweden
2006 Artist´s Projects: "The Art of Making Film on Art" Gallery KKV; Bohuslän Sweden
2007 Freia/ Kraft Food, Oslo Norway
2010 The Kilkenny Art Festival Ireland
2011: Open studio, Cité International des Arst, Paris France
2012: The MNKK Art Residency – Rebild, public program
150 Years Anniversay – Edvard munch 1863-1944
2013: Oslo Open, UKS, Oslo
2013: Edvard Munchs Studio, Ekely/ Munch museum, Oslo
2013: Sofia Bulgaria
Library/ education:
Swedish Association of Art Galleries
The film is inckuded in the Library at Munch Museum, Oslo
The film is part of the education program of guides at the Musuem of Munch´s House, Åsgårdstrand
The film was ordered by The Association of Norwegian Sculptors. 1996
Directing, photo, editing: Kirsti Grotmol
Idea, manuscript, directing, photo: Kirsti Grotmol
Interviews with artists and artisans. 2005
The film is made in cooperation with The Association of Norwegian Sculptors.
The film is supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council and the Restoration Workshop of Nidaros Cathedral.
Screening videos :
Galleri Boa 2008, The Danish IInstitute Athens Greece 2008,
The National Gallery, Sofia Bulgaria 2011
Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris France, 2011
Oslo Open, UKS, Oslo Norway 2013
Galleri Boa Oslo 2011
Filmdirector Membership :
Director´s Guild of Norway (Norwegian Filmdirectors, NFR)
Part of a 2 year mentor program with the aim of supporting women directors, initiated by the Norwegian Film Institute
Dessisor of Directors´Guild of Norway 2013
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